Thursday, 10 July 2008

The Cadre Noir, troglodytes & new tack...

The Cadre Noir - last year the thursday presentation was cancelled as they were away, this year it went ahead.

They said, no filming. lots of people took photos....oops.

Interesting - the longlining/two rein lunging, however you want to call it, was done the same way Max showed me - this horse could jump! and a bit of a lightbulb moment re the longlining generally....

Troglodytes - the area is known for people living underground, having dug the rock out (it's not hard), some people still are - so we're not talking archeological, we're talking relatively recent.

and new tack - lunging roller with turrets (a birthday present for me from partner); leather lunging cavesson; lunging roller with turrets for stephanie.

Steph, your's is the stripey one...

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